Jamon natural Reserva sin conservantes ni aditivos - Encinar del Jamón

Natural ham Reserva without preservatives or additives

75,00 115,00  VAT included

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Jamón Reserva with more than 14-16 months of curing, pieces of approx. 6 kg. The reserva ham is sold in a variety of sizes.The wing is dried in our drying room and then cured. than naturally.

The only ingredient is salt and in low salt content. Several layers of lard and oil ensure that the curing process is as homogeneous as possible. And the rest of the work is done by the wonderful climate and the air of our Sierra.

Since 2006, this product has been recognised as an Artisan Product of the Natural Park of Andalusia Brand. This recognition is awarded to products made in our Natural Parks. In this case, the Sierra Nevada Natural Park.

Weight 10 kg

Knife cut, Whole piece

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